Det verkar som att du använder Internet Explorer.

Tyvärr har Internet Explorer inte fått några riktiga uppdateringar sedan 2015, då Microsoft introducerade sin nya webbläsare Edge. Som ett resultat har inte Explorer stöd för moderna webbtekniker, vilket resulterar i att moderna webbsidor (som denna) inte visas ordentligt.

Länkarna nedan hjälper dig installera en ny webbläsare, ifall du inte redan har en.

It seems like you are using Internet Explorer.

Unfortunately, Internet Explorer has not received any real attention since 2015, when Microsoft introduced their new web browser Edge. As a result, Internet Explorer does not support modern web technologies, which means that modern websites (such as this one) will not display as intended.

The links below will help you install a new web browser, if you do not already have one installed.

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
April 5, 2021 7:00 PM

Members in UN's Global Compact

Sdiptech has signed the UN Sustainability Initiative Global Compact. We hereby commit ourselves to actively work with the Global Compact's ten principles for sustainable development in the four areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and corruption.

With over 9,500 companies as signatories in more than 160 countries, the UN Global Compact is the world's largest strategic initiatives for companies in the field of sustainability. The initiative was launched in 1999 and calls on companies to take global responsibility and align their strategies and activities with the 10 principles. The principles are based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO's fundamental conventions on human rights in working life, the Rio Declaration and the UN Convention against Corruption.

Once a year, Sdiptech will issue a status report on how we conduct our business in accordance with the 10 principles. Read more about the UN Global Compact and the ten principles at